Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Russian Tour Guides Arrested in Pattaya

The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming. Well it seems like the Russians are going or that is the hope of local tour operators who on one hand welcome the influx of tourists from the the former Soviet Union but object to the tourist dollars or roubles ending up in the hands of Russian tour operators and Russian tour guides who think they can operate in Thailand with impunity and without work permits.

Thai tour companies face a difficult dilema. How to put a stop to the illegal practices of foreigners taking their jobs and what they perceive are their profits. Complain to the local police? mmm problem as someone must be turning a blind eye to the husky Ruskies.

So They lodged complaints with the DSI The Department of Special Investigations (DSI) Eastern Branch, The Thai equivelent of the FBI.

After conducting investigations they moved in this week to several Russian tour companies around Pattaya and asked politely to see the work permits of the Russian tour guides. Whoops Niet, No Have.

Seven Russians were rumbled and transported to various police stations around Pattaya, Jomtien abd Banglamung whilst their status in Thailand is considered. If found to be working in Thailand without the requisite documentation they face fines, imprisoment and deportation.

More arrests are on the cards.