Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Expensive Valentine Roses in Pattaya

Roses are red, violets are blue come Valentines the flower sellers will screw you.

Thais are experts at a practice we know as price gouging. The season of Love is a season the flower sellers and flower shops just love too.

It was the vegetarian festival recently and lo and behold just days before the festival started the price of vegetables went through the roof. Oh bad weather, high fuel prices, Denver losing to Seattle there is always some exuse.

Lovers this year were blooming mad when the time to buy their lover a rose or two was the time they needed an appointment to see their bank manager to secure a second mortgage.

Cold air somewhere in the world possibly the polar vortex seemed to push up the price of roses from 10 Baht per single flower to 20 Baht. Some roses are grown in Tak which is the Rose bowl of Thailand but they are generaly smaller than the finer blooms imported from places like China and Israel.

No doubt next week when Valentines is over the weather will turn out just fine and the prices will miarculously drop to pre love fest levels.