Khun Rankit Ekasing The Deputy Mayor of Pattaya presided over a preparatory meeting at Pattaya City Hall for the upcoming St. Patricks Day Celebrations which will be held on the 17th of March.
Present at the meeting were representatives from the Father Ray Father Ray Foundation. Father Ray is probably the most famous but certainly not the only Irishman to walk the streets of Pattaya. and other Irish groups such as the Guinness Drinking appreciation society of Pattaya.
There will of course be a parade to mark St. Patricks Day which will start at The Alcazar Theatre on Second Road and wend it's merry way down Beach Road to Pattaya School Number 8. No doubt snarling up traffic once again. There will be plenty of Leprechaun look alikes, they are called Thai girls and everyone will dress in green and get very drunk.
As a proud Yorkshire man may I suggest to Pattaya City Hall that next year we also celebrate Ecky Thump day on the First of May which just happens to be my birthday. We can have a parade down Beach Road with all the Thai girls wearing clogs and flat caps waving suggestively with Black Puddings and marching along with their pet whippets. We can all get very drunk on Tetley's fine ale and snarl up the traffic once more. Then there is St. Stalin's Day for our Russian friends - St. Chairman Mao Day for our Chinese visitors.. the list goes on.