Saturday, 8 February 2014

Pattaya Season of Love Valentines on Pattaya Beach Road

Pattaya Beach Road or The Coconut Bar as it is affectionately known has been tarted up for a very special event this week. No not with extra women but with thousands of pretty flowers and sparkling light bulbs.

Heart shaped flower beds of bright red flowers mark the Pattaya Season of Love which will be celebrated on the 14 th of February - Valentines Day mainly by Cambodian flower sellers as they make a killing around the bars of Pattaya. The beautiful floral decorations and special night time colourful romantic lights give a great photo opportunity for tourists and locals to take a special picture with their lover to take home and cherish.

The only ones not celebrating Valentines day are the hundreds of pigs who will be sacrificed to the Goddess of Love and spit roasted. Who said romance is dead.