At Nongprue District offices the Deputy Mayor of Nongprue Khun Theerawat along with senior municipal officers and Khun Anant the Presidet of The Lions Club of Pattaya held a meeting to didtribute funds to two needy local residents.
Khun Mukee aged 48 who is a secondhand goods seller had lost everything in a recent fire at her home. Tv, refrigerator, cooking utensils, beds and bedding all had been destroyed. A kind donation of 6,000 Baht from The Lions Club Pattaya should make her life a little easier as she recovers from the devastating fire.
The second recipient was Khun Bunsom aged 62 who is struggling after splitting up with her husband and needs to travel regularly to hospital to receive treatment for breast cancer.
She has an income of 5,000 Baht a month but finds it very hard to make ends meet to pay her rent, daily living expanses and her trips to the doctor. Khun Bunsom received a 3,000 Baht grant from the Nongprue municipality.