Thursday, 14 August 2014

Stray Dogs Hound Tourists on Pattaya Beach

Stray soi dogs hounding tourists on Pattaya Beach and this time I am not talking about the Ladyboy scun I am refering to real dogs you know the ones with fur and sharp teeth.

A pack of these uncontrolled animals have taken up residence on the beach at the north end of Pattaya Bay. Complaint after complaint has been made to Pattaya City Hall by beach vendors who have seen their profits plummet and from tourists whose holiday beach sojourns have become a nightmare

This week An 8 year old Thai-German Boy, on holiday in Pattaya with his parents, was bitten on his shoulder during an attack by a pack of stray dogs. He needed to be taken to hospital for treatment and anti rabies shots.

Officials from Pattaya City Hall have responded by sending dog catchers to the beach with tranquilizing guns and have caged and removed several dogs. Once they finish clearing the dogs I suggest they send out the same team with the cages and tranquilizing guns and clear the beach of the lady boys.