Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Pattaya Ladyboy Roundup After Gold Necklace Snatch

There's nowt as daft as folk that is unless you come from the Indian sub-continent. An Indian gentleman taking a stroll on Pattaya beach road sporting a 3 Baht gold necklace wworth over 60,000 Baht gets the welcome to Pattaya sexy man treatment in front of the Royal Garden Shopping Mall by a bunch of blokes in skirts. Result 1-0 to the ladyboys.

The leaders of the boys in brown were up in arms. Can't have scum like this spoiling the squeaky clean image of Pattaya City. Pay leey jab katoey leey were the instructions. In English Out you go boys arrest the thieving ladyboy scumbags

This latest lift resulted in the latest dragnet of Beach road rounding up the blokes in drag. who may or may not have been responsible for the latest high heeled heist.

A free ride to the police station, Check their records some of whom had a string of top ten albums to their names. A piss test, A stern talking to and then hi-ho hi-ho it's off to work we go.

Just another normal night in Pattaya.