Thursday, 21 August 2014

Pattaya Lady Boys Fleace French Tourist on Walking Street

When will folks realise that if they come across a bloke in a skirt on Pattaya Beach Road they had better look out and keep a firm grasp on their valuables and I don't mean those type of valuables.

A French man is the latest victim of the false female felons who gave him the Welcome to Pattaya Handsome man routine. He was mobbed by the mob handed scum in skirts. He declined their kind offers of a happy ending and continued his trip to buy a happy meal at McDonald's in The Royal Garden Plaza.

It was whilst attempting to pay for his meal that he found that he was more than a few bob short of a full shilling. His wallet containing 50 euros, 2,000 baht a room key and some documents was now history. He rushed outside but the Thai thieves had not hung around to buy a burger.

The boys in brown arrived but despite a thorough investigation and questioning bystanders they couldn't find the boys in bloomers. They escorted the fleeced French man back to Pattaya Police Station to make an official report on the incident.