Saturday, 23 August 2014

Brit in Pattaya Gets His Kids Back from Ex-Thai Wife

Wonderful news for a British father who was finally re-united with his two daughters after they had been abducted by their mother during a visit they had made to Thailand from their home in The UK.

Robert Day divorced his Thai wife Khun Ornwarat in 2009 and was given exclusive custody of their two daughters now aged 6 and 11. Robert took his family back to The UK and set up a new life for his family. They were attending school in their hometown and in June this year Robert brought the girls to Thailand to fulfil a court obligation for the girls to see their birth mother once a year. Robert handed over the girls for a few days which turned into a two month nightmare when his ex-wife failed to return the girls and seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth.

They were finally tracked down to a rented room in Wattana District of Bangkok. A tear jerking re-union was held at a police station in Bangkok. Mr. Day is now waiting for paperwork to be sorted out before he can fly his girls back to England and catch up with their school work.