Friday, 27 December 2013

Pattaya Beach Road Sleeping Policemen Take the Hump

The story of sleeping policemen on Beach Road in Pattaya gets more bizarre as City Hall comes out with more excuses as to why what we thought at first were speed bumps to slow down traffic on a road where traffic hardly moves at more than a tropical snails pace has in fact another purpose.

The humps 20cm high and several metres wide have been laid for two purposes. Firstly to slow traffic and secondly to make it easier for disabled people in wheelchairs to cross the road.

Several accidents have already occurred where cyclists and motorcycles have come to grief when they found themselves catapulted from their machines when they came across unexpectedly these unmarked and un-signposted traffic follies.

City Hall has taken the hump and said that they will dig up the humps and replace them with lower and wider humps. I applaud City Hall's efforts to help the disabled especially those in wheelchairs but do not understand how causing accidents and potentially putting more people into wheelchairs is the right way to go.