Pattaya police were understandably on the ball when an Indian tourist went ti Pattaya police station to complain that he had been robbed by some ladyboys on Beach Road.
It is only a week since the Indian Ambassador to Thailand paid a visit to Pattaya and had high level meetings with high level police officers to complain about the high number of incidents involving citizens of his nation.
Mr. Ajar Adiha aged 41 complained that a couple of ladies that were not ladies even though they had high heels said Hi to him and then embraced him whilst he was taking the air along Beach Road and then hijacked his gold necklace valued at 17,000 Baht.
The poor, now poorer Indian tourist could not give a good description of the two lady boys so they sent a high ranking officer to accompany him back to Beach Road to see if they could see them. Unfortunately the two highwaymen had high tailed it out of there and the only thing to be seen was a pig flying high over Pattaya Bay.
The police assured the distraught tourist that they would make this case a high priority to apprehend the high heeled hijackers. Meanwhile Mr. Adiha has his police report which I am sure will please his insurance company back home.