Saturday, 14 December 2013

Middle Eastern Man in Pattaya Cons Pratamnack Store out of Big Bucks

Things are getting weirder in Pattaya, if that is at all possible. Pattaya police were dispatched to investigate a crime at a convenience store in Soi 5 Pratamnak Road, South Pattaya after the owner called in to say that she had been robbed.

At the store he met the owner Khyn Malee who explained what had happened. The robber a Middle Eastern looking gentleman armed not with a gun but with his daughter who looked about 10 years old entered the shop and selected some goods to purchase.

At the counter he presented a 100$ note. She explained that she only accepted Thai currency. He explained that he was new to Thailand and had never seen Thai currency before and could he see some Thai notes to see what they were like.

Now the part that is really really weird. She handed over 30,000 Baht in 1,000 Baht notes. After examining each note carefully he said he was still not sure and Khun Malee took pity on him and accepted the 100$ note.