In the early hours of the 1st of August Police Major Kowit of the Pattaya Police together with officials from the immigration office took part in an operation Commanded by Police Colonel Suwan to check on the status of foreign migrant workers in the city.
9 Burmese workers were detained in this operation 7 men and 2 women and taken to the police station to have their documents checked.
Police Colonel Suwan said that in this area of the city many illegal workers were thought to have been smuggled in to the country and be employed by restaurants and other establishments. This particular Indian restaurant was targeted because of prior information.
It was discovered that the Burmese workers did not have the correct documentation or work permits to work at this Indian Restaurant. Further check with the restaurant owner will be needed and if the correct documentation can not be produced the 8 Burmese workers will in all likelihood be deported and sent back home shortly.