Two Indian tourists presented themselves to Pattaya Police Station with a very unusual story. They allege that two ladies of the night that they invited to their room had drugged them and made off with a large amount of money and a mobile phone. The police were shocked and horrored that such a thing could happen in the squeaky clean international tourist resort of Pattaya.
The Indian gentlemen Mr. Baldev Raj aged 54 and Mr. Deepak Kumar aged 41 said that they were enjoying an evening meal in the lobby of their hotel when they were approached by two lovely ladies who offered them a tasty dessert and some horizontal gymnastics in their room.
Over a beer or two or three in the restaurant negotiations were held as to the fees for the horizontal gymnastic instructors and armed with a few more cans of beer they retired to begin the exercise routine. More beers were quaffed. One of the guys said that he saw one of the girls slip something into the cans but allas it was too late and they were very soon in the land of nod.
They woke up a while later with a headache the size of The Taj Mahal and realised that their new found friends had curried off and taken 100,00 Baht in cash and an iPhone.
After briefly checking the Pattaya skyline for any pigs flying low over the bay the Pattaya Police officers made their way to the Bella Express Hotel off the Central Pattaya Road to examine the crime scene.
The room was in disarray as is to be expected from a hotel room occupied by gentlemen from the sub continent. The police collected evidence from cans and bottles in the room that may have fingerprints of the plucky perpetrators and maybe even traces of the substance used to induce the sleepy state. They then moved on to collect images from CCTV cameras in the hotel.
The Indian gentlemen thanked the boys in brown for their due diligence and clutching the police reports that were essential for their insurance claims they headed to the nearest pharmacy to purchase a large quantity of paracetamol.