Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Germans in Pattaya Help Local Poor Families

Naklua in North Pattaya has for a long time been a popular haunt for tourists who have a typically Germanic heritage. Sauerkraut, schnitzels and iced beer are consumed enthusiastically by moustached gentleman wearing lederhosen and singing enthusiastically to oompha oopha bands.

What is not known is that these ledherhosen clad lads often take time from their bar stools to contribute to the community in which they live and enjoy their vacations. The German Association of Naklua and their neighbours the Swiss Golf Club got together to provide assistance to the low income families of the area.

In collaboration with officers from city council District 3 the donating Deuchlanders donated bags of rice, dried food and confectionery.

Representatives of the families who received the generous gifts came along to say a very vocal danke shoen mien hairy ones.