Saturday, 7 June 2014

Chonburi Gambling Raid

Chonburi Police faced a serious situation in their battle against crime. They faced the task of rounding up a gang of serial offenders who had been committing the same heinous crime - this was a band of serial gamblers. The scene Central Department Store in Chonburi. 30 police officers took up positions surrounding the area where the minivans were parked up. They drew lots as to who would go in first.

Radios crackled, whistles were blown and then they moved in. Their were 30 gamblers assembled at the rear of one of the vans playing dice. They saw that their luck had run out and they fled in all directions.

11 men and one women were soon in a new van on their way to Chonburi Police Station where they face serious gambling charges. The police had hit the jackpot they recognised the godfather gambler who had repeatedly been arrested for the same crime. Chances are his fate is now on the cards. However there was still one final twist. The godfather had his own complaints. He claims that a portion of the take was being paid to local boys in brown.

Police are now looking into these claims and their could certainly be officers who are dicing with their future's in the police force.