Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Thai Film Director Chased Off Scene of Molestation in Bangsaen Chonburi

A pervy Thai actor and would be porno film director got his come uppance this week when his victims turned the tables on him and chased him from the scene of his sexual assault causing him to lose control of his car and crash out in the final scene.

A group of Chonburi University students told the police of the lecherous antics of a Khun Witad aged 40 who had recruited the girls online and lured them to a hotel in Bangsaen, Chonburi for a creepy casting session.

Khun Witad had told them in advance that they would need to strip for the camera but they were not expecting the lights to go out and Khun Witad to move in to get a more hands on experience than the girls had signed up for.

One of the girls called her boyfriend who was waiting outside the hotel. He broke down the door and crashed the party. Khun Witad fled in the direction of Bangkok in his Mazda 2 vehicle only to crash himself in his eagerness to escape the miffed Thai maidens.

Khun Witad has been arrested by Chonburi Police and various charges await him when he makes his debut appearance at Chonburi Police Station.