A precocious 2 year old brought a market to a halt and prompted the calling out of a unit of rescue personnel when she managed to lock herself in her aunts car. The anguished Aunt Khun Da had taken her niece along with her as she went to set up her stall at a local market in Sattahip. It was raining heavily so she left the two year old as snug as a bug in a rug inside the car.
Not a wise choice. The little girls nimble fingers operated the door lock and Auntie was left out in the rain and in a fair old dizzy fit.
A shower of market vendors tried in rain sorry in vain to open the locked car but were not successful. When the rescue workers arrived they tried for an hour. Still no joy. So only one course left. A rescue worker smashed a window. Lesson learned for Khun Da. Next time just find a local motorcycle taxi driver. If he can not open a locked vehicle I am sure he will know a man who can.