Monday, 8 September 2014

Python Eats Sattahip Farmer's Cock

The switchboard at The Sawang Rojanatham Foundation in Sattahip was startled when they received a report from a farmer in Sattahip that his cock was dead. Whilst she was mobilising medics to rush to the scene she got more information from the farmer. It wasn't his cock it was one of his cocks that was dead. He had spotted the culprit - a large snake that was gobbling away on one of his prize cocks. Relieved she changed plans and released the rescue foundations reptile rescue squad.

At the scene behind the farmers house was a chicken coop and in the long grass behind the coop they spotted the reptilian robber merrily munching on the farmer's cock. The snake a 4 meter long python was soon snared with a steel pole and a noose. The farmer was ecstatic to know that the rest of his cocks and hens would now be safe.

The rescue squad removed the reptile and took it to a remote spot well away from chicken coops and well clear of any KFC branches.