The reptile rescue squad from The Sawang Boriboon Rescue Foundation hit the road to do whatever reptile rescuers do after reports that a rather large reticulated creature had been spotted in a back garden.
At the scene in Moot NongPlaLai they had a close encounter of the slithering kind. The three meter python was doing a bird impression coiled up in the branches of a large tree. The rescuers were prepared they had all the high tech equipment for this risky reptile mission. A long pole and a fertilizer bag. Three rescuers took up position. One wielded the pole, one held the fertilizer bag and Khn Unlucky stood below to catch the snake.
A few pokes and prods. An oh crap from the catcer and then the snake was safely in the bag. The team then left the scene to find a much quieter less human area to release the snake.
Meanwhile a relieved Khun Somjit who had spotted the slithering snake told reportes how reeived he was and he could not only rest in peice but his family could now eat in peice. He had lost two chickens in two days.