Chonburi police announced the arrest of a sneak thief who has been plaguing visitors to a park in Chonburi.
The thief Khun Wichit aged 31 would scope out the park for folks arriving on motorcycles. The park is a popular place for joggers and keep fit enthusiasts looking to get some healthy exercise in a relaxing open environment. Khun Wichit would wait for them to jog off and then prise open the seats on the motorcycles and rummage through for any valuables like mobile phones, wallets, money and watches.
Khun Wichit told the police that it took only 10 seconds to be in and out and confessed to 10 other similar crimes. Sometimes he sold the stolen goods at the shopping Mall and sometimes he was cheeky enough to call the owners friends and claim that he had bought the phone from a thief and offered to return the phones for a price of course.
He is now waiting to pay the price himself as previous convictions for Yaa Baa possession and a spell in Chonburi prison has not quite got the message home.