Police Lieutenant Decha of Chonburi police was notified by radio from a rescue unit of a pedestrian fatality on the Bang Na - Trat highway on the outskirts of Chonburi. He went immediately to the scene to find a young male victim aged about 30 lying face down in the right lane of the highway
The man was wearing a green military style short sleeved shirt and jeans. The man had sustained major injuries. Preliminary investigations suggested that he was trying to run across the highway in the dark when he was struck by a car. The police could not find any evidence to shed light on the victims identity apart from some papers he carried written in Cambodian and 600 Baht in cash he had on him.
The vehicle that hit him and killed him fled the scene towards Bangkok but left behind some small clues with small pieces of radiator grill and a piece of the registration plate were found. These were kept in evidence in the hope that they may help in tracing the vehicle they belonged to.
The dead victim was transported to Chonburi Hospital to await relatives who may arrive to claim the body and arrange funeral rights.