Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Pattaya Changes, Bar Scene, Traffic Jams

Pattaya is changing, of that there is no doubt, but so does every place. Nothing stays the same. When I first came here in 1989 Pattaya was a small town, a very small town as was most small towns in Thailand. Pattaya was however a very special town for the visitors and for the locals or those who called Pattaya their home from home from the villages and small towns up-country.

Now townification or could we call it cityfication is well under way and Pattaya although it still has a large number of bars and go-go bars is set to become Bangkok by the sea.

Will this change the bar scene? of course it will but bear in mind that Bangkok has it's Nana Plaza, Patpong and Soi Cowboy as well as numerous bars and massage parlours that cater mainly to the native Thai pleasure seeker.

One of the thinggs that drove me out of Bangkok, I lived there for 12 years, was the traffic and traffic jams with the inevitable air pollution. Will I stay here and suffer the same coughing fits and time wasted getting from A to B? I think not. But I am not ready to leave just yet. How about you?