Thursday, 3 July 2014

Soi Buakhao Pattaya Police Checkpoints

Pattaya Police and Pattaya Police Volunteers have been focusing their attention on hot beds of crime in the City. This week was the time for one of the most notorious. A place that you can see dodgy and doddery individuals dressed in gang attire with their distinctive Singha vests or with logos like "Good guys go to Heaven, Bad Guys go to Pattaya" marching their zimmer frames from one happy hour to the next.

Yes this week was the turn for mass scrutiny by the boys in brown of Soi Buakhao.

But don't worry guys you are not the targets that is unless you have been buying a few tabs of Yaa Baa with your pension moneyor smoking Whaky Backy in your Rizzla roll ups.

The police set up traffic checkpoints at various locations along this leafy avenue that winds it's way from Soth Pattaya Road to Central Pattaya - Their task to stop and shake down members of the local population who looked mored dodgy than the farang guests.

Motorcyclists were stopped en-masse and even a lot of them at a time. Their documents were checked if they had any, and if the constables had any suspicions the riders and pillionairs were invited to blow in to alcohol testing machines or asked to contribute some yellowy liquid into little plastic jars.

There were a lot of positive results with a veritable multitude of misdoers having their motorcycles seized for various infractions and given a free ride in the waiting paddy waggons to Pattaya Police Station for further chats.