A unit of the Tappraya 2310 Foundation was the first on the scene of a motorcycle accident on the route 7 bypass in East Pattaya. It appeared that a young lady had had an argument with a brick wall and unfortunately the wall won. Her Honda Click was damaged as was her right arm and together with multiple abrasions she was in a sorry state. Luckily she appeared to have been drunk when she lost control of her motorcycle so I am sure that should have numbed her pain a little. Also luckily she didn't cause any injuries to anyone else - apart from the wall that is.
A Unit of The Sawang Boriboon Rescue Foundation were called to attend and provide first aid at the scene before transporting her to a local hospital for further emergency treatment.
This was followed by the police and a truck to hall away her bent motorcycle. As for the brick wall - any adept bricklayers out there?