Friday, 14 March 2014

Pattaya Police Translator Foils Gold Necklace Snatch

An Indian national Mr. Komal Agarwal who works as a translator for The Pattaya police nearly became the feature of one his translated police reports when a thief tried to steal his 2 Baht gold necklace.

Yes the police translator was wearing a 2 Baht gold necklace whilst walking the streets of Pattaya. 

Mr. Agarwal had just dropped his kid off at school and parked his car near his home in in Siri Urai village, opposite soi Potisarn 4.

As he was walking to a local grocery shop wearing his 2 Baht gold necklace a teenager on a motorcycle drove by close to him and attempted to grab the necklace. The 2 Baht gold necklace broke but Mr. Agarwal's quick thinking saved the day as the thief did not get a good grip on the 2 Baht gold necklace as Mr. Agarwal attempted to drag him off the motorcycle. The theft of the 2 Baht gold necklace and the dragging off the motorcycle did not happen and the unlucky thief made his escape.

The attempted theft of the 2 Baht gold necklace was caught on CCTV and the images have been plastered about the village and posted on the Internet so if the thief turns up in Lahore, Liverpool or LA I am sure folks will turn him in.

As for Mr. Agarwal he is happy that he is still in possession of his pride and joy a 2 Baht gold necklace and is taking this opportunity to ask the media to spread the message that walking the streets of Pattaya whilst wearing a 2 Baht gold necklace is a pretty dumb thing to do.