Saturday, 29 March 2014

Hilton Hotel Pattaya Stair Race For Earth Hour

Khun Rudolf Troestler the General Manager of The Hilton Hotel Pattaya blew the whistle to start the race to the top. 100 people then took off to climb the 34 floors to the top of the Hotel.

This event is a vertical stair race is the first to be held in Pattaya city. The management of the Hotel Hilton Pattaya. organized the race to bring awareness of environmental issues and energy efficiency as part of Earth Hour.

Khun Troestler was there to greet the winner - he obviously took the lift showing he is all talk and no walk. The winner arrived after a breath taking  6 minutes and 40 seconds. When asked how he felt after running up 664 steps the winner who wasn't able to give his name had was in no fit state to comment.

Well done Khun No Comment I am sure the Earth is happy that you expelled so many tonnes of carbon dioxide in your efforts to save the planet.