At the Baan Bung market in Chonburi Khun Sonthana the Minister of Culture presided over the opening ceremony of the Baan Bung Buffalo Festival.
He welcomed the many tourists and competitors and participants who had travelled from all over Thailand for this long standing event that showcases the prowess and beauty of the noble animal the Buffalo which hold such a prominent place in the hearts of most Thais.
The Festival will see of course many fine beasts competing in different races for the title of fastest buffalo and also buffalo beauty completions for such titles as best male buffalo, best female buffalo, best buffalo calf and best albino buffalo.
For the opening parade monks came along to bless the buffaloes, a buffalo fancy dress competition was held and also a singing competition however it is not known whether this was for the buffaloes or for their proud owners.
So next time you hear the words. My Papa's Buffalo is sick then take notice he could be a prize winner, the buffalo of course not the father.