Saturday, 12 April 2014

Dragon Tattoo Man Recovered Floating Off Sattahip

Sattahip police officers and rescue workers took a boat ride from Sattahip harbour to an island out in the bay of Thailand where another body had been washed up. This area is becoming a major dumping ground for bodies.

The deceased had no documentation on him. He was aged about 30 and had been in the sea for quite a while as evident by the level of decomposition and the loss of flesh due to marine life feeding off the corpse.

The only clear identification mark was a large dragon tattoo. At the present time the only theory the police have is that dragon tattoo man was yet another victim of violence out on the open sea which results in some fishing vessel crew member being killed and tossed over board.

The deceased was taken to hospital for a full autopsy to be carried out. It is hoped that the police enquiries may turn up with an identity for The Dragon Tattoo man so that relatives can claim his body and funeral rites can be carried out.