It was Pattaya Police Captain Netithorn's turn to open up the broom cupboard, grab a brush, assemble a team of eager compadres and lead a posse down Beach Road in search of the non too elusive undesirables lurking in the shadows of a coconut tree.
The task is not tiring if a little tiresome. You want lady? You want boy? You want lady who is boy? You want boy who looks like lady? You want Ganja? You want me take care your handbag?
Tonight's score: 6 ladies and men swept up for selling sex, ganja or sex and ganja and 7 lady boys arrested for well just being very ugly.
Down the police station, logged into the computer system, piss tested, given a stern warning on the wrong path they were taking, fined a couple of hundred Baht and released in time for breakfast and the last foreign punter wending a weary way home after a night on the town.
Pattaya is a Mecca for Lady Boys. Yes there are some real transvestites. Yes they may or may not have had the chop job. However the vast majority of the fake ladies in Pattaya are just Thai men dressed as women for the sole purpose of robbing tourists. There seems to be a modern thought around the world that transvestites are women trapped in a man's body. The reality is that they are just Thai thieves dressed up to look like a woman.